The Sistine Chapel of the East ♰

Experience the Spiritual and Cultural Heart of Romania ♰

Maramureș and Bucovina

Discover the Enchanting Monasteries of Moldova ♰ In the northeastern part of Romania lies the historical region of Moldova, a place where time seems to stand still and faith plays a central role in daily life. This area is renowned for its stunning monasteries, each a masterpiece of religious art and architecture. These monasteries are not only places of worship but also treasure troves of history, reflecting the spiritual and cultural genesis of Europe.

Experience the Spiritual and Cultural Heart of Romania Voroneț Monastery, also known as the „Sistine Chapel of the East” is famous for its unique shade of blue frescoes, known as „Voroneț Blue”. Built in 1488, this small but exquisite monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The frescoes depict a wide array of biblical scenes, including the Last Judgment, which covers the entire western wall of the church. The vivid colors and the expressive figures make Voronet a must-visit for anyone interested in religious art and history.